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Senhor presidente, e a Venezuela?
1:41am, 5th October, 2018

Senhor presidente, e a Venezuela?

Ninguém tem a menor ideia sobre o que vai acontecer na eleição deste domingo (7). Mas uma coisa é certa: seja qual for o novo presidente do Brasil, ele terá de lidar com , que só vai piorar. (10/05/2018 - 02h00)
Sony Xperia XZ3 is now available in the UK for £699
9:41pm, 4th October, 2018

Sony Xperia XZ3 is now available in the UK for £699

Sony's latest flagship smartphone, the Xperia XZ3, was announced in late August at IFA. It's been on pre-order in the UK since September 1. And following what was undoubtedly a pretty lengthy pre-order period, it finally became available to...