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Asus ROG phone coming to the US on October 18
2:29pm, 4th October, 2018

Asus ROG phone coming to the US on October 18

Asus is bringing the ROG Phone to New York on October 18. To be clear, this is the original ROG phone, the one that was announced back in June (four months ago!) and has been in limbo ever since. The tweet is not the most detailed, it just says "deta...
Watch Nokia 7.1's announcement live here
10:53am, 4th October, 2018

Watch Nokia 7.1's announcement live here

The rumor mill has been going steady for the past few weeks thanks to plenty of leaks about the upcoming Nokia smartphones. We saw screens, CAD-based renders, and even official press images, but now it's time for the official event. The stream b...
Bispos reunidos no Vaticano discutem abusos sexuais
10:38am, 4th October, 2018

Bispos reunidos no Vaticano discutem abusos sexuais

Os escândalos de agressões sexuais cometidos por membros do clero e a necessidade de haver um diálogo mais livre sobre a sexualidade foram temas abordados, nesta quinta-feira (4), por bispos reunidos no Vaticano. (10/04/2018 - 12h25)
Toninho Ferragutti e Salomão Soares lançam CD em show
8:50am, 4th October, 2018

Toninho Ferragutti e Salomão Soares lançam CD em show

Acontece sexta-feira (5), às 21h, no Sesc 24 de Maio, em São Paulo, o show de lançamento do CD "Toninho Ferragutti e Salomão Soares". Gravado em 2017, no estúdio Arsis, em São Paulo, o disco reúne 11 composições autorais - cinco do pianista Salomão S...