Instagram adds GIF support to its direct message platform


There are fully fledged communication apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger that have a wide variety of functions and features like games, location sharing, stickers, and even sending payments. Then theres the direct message category, which is more of a supplementary messaging platform to compliment social networks like Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.

Direct message isnt really something youd want to use exclusively due to a lack of features, but Instagram is making it somewhat bearable by introducing GIF support on Instagram DMs.


The Instagram app is currently being updated with GIPHY support to find and send GIFs and the feature is rolling out over the next few days. I currently dont see the feature enabled on the Galaxy S9+ that Im using. It looks like the update will be slowly rolled out on iOS and Android on the server-side so having the latest version of the app may not be enough.

Do you have the ability to DM GIFs already? Let us know what country youre in and what device youre using in the comments.


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